Women of Faith in Leadership | Leading with integrity, Management, Christian Leadership, Leading with confidence, Teamwork
Ranked Top 3% Globally Do you wish that you could lead your team in a way that honours and glorifies God? Are you struggling to overcome self-doubt as a leader and have a desire to be more confident in your role? Do you want the courage to deal with difficult people but don’t want to upset anyone? Well, you’re in the right place! On this podcast, I’ll teach you how to lead like Jesus, even if you’re not allowed to speak of your faith in your workplace. You’ll learn to become bold and confident as a leader, to speak up and say what God wants you to say and to finally know that you are worthy to be in your current role. Because God chose you, not because you are already a perfect leader, but because HE wants to mold you and use you to be an instrument in the kingdom of God. Hey, I’m Rika, and for the past 10 years, I’ve been in middle-management leadership roles, where I have led various teams, from big to small, and experienced my fair share of working with difficult people, having tough conversations, hiring and firing people and managing team dynamics. I thought that I could rely on worldly knowledge of leadership to get me through. I attended various leadership courses and listened to many leadership podcasts, but I was still struggling as a leader. I was feeling frustrated and to be honest, I was not enjoying my leadership role and felt like quitting more often than I probably should have! I finally realised that if I wanted to be the leader that I truly desired to be (which was a leader who wasn’t shy to speak up, a leader who honoured God with her actions and a leader who could build a cohesive team without the drama), I needed to partner with God and find a Christian leadership mentor to guide me and keep me accountable. I committed my leadership journey to God and partnered with HIM. I started working with a mentor and stepped out in faith as I did hard things every single day. And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you! If you’re ready to lead your team in a way that honours God, I’m excited to be your mentor! So, grab your notebook and pen (and don’t forget that Chai Latte), and let’s unlock your God-given leadership potential! Next steps: Head to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can: 1. Join the Free Community 2. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and 3. Find free resources ALSO, when joining the community, you’ll also receive exclusive access to fortnightly training, which will not be aired on the podcast! So, join today! Need to contact me? Email me at support@rikawhelan.com
Monday Oct 16, 2023
020 | Balancing Faith and Professionalism
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In today's episode:
Sometimes at work, we struggle to know exactly when to keep it strictly professional and when we can bring in our faith and be a testimony towards our colleagues. In this episode, we’ll be discussing balancing faith and professionalism.
If you’re working in an environment where not everyone is Christian, then it can be really challenging.
On the one hand, you are a professional in your job role and you were appointed in your role due to your knowledge, qualifications or any other expertise you bring to the table. On the other hand, you are a Christian who wants to live out your values and your faith. So can Professionalism and Faith be balanced at work?
But at what point do you tell people you are a Christian and when can or should you share your testimony, your values or anything relating to God?
Never force God on anyone, respect that they have different views than you.
You can practice your faith at work by silently praying regularly, before meetings, calls etc. We talked about Faith-Based decision-making in the last episode and that’s also a way to balance your faith with professionalism.
But I’d say something to remember is that you are there to do the job you have been appointed, so do that to the best of your abilities and when an opportunity presents itself for you to share about God, be brave and do it. Be sure you don’t force it on that person, and if that person starts feeling uncomfortable, then simply ask them to let you know if they have any questions and leave it at that.
The other way you balance your faith with your professionalism know your personal values and to stick them. They will help you make ethical decisions.
For example, if integrity is a value you would like to live by, then you have to make decisions or do your work in such a manner that others can see you have integrity.
So to recap:
Pray throughout the day
Live, breathe and display your values
Don’t force God on anyone - this can really put people off
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Friday Oct 13, 2023
019 | 5 Steps for Faith-Based Decision-Making in the Workplace
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about Faith-based decision-making. What can you do to help you make better decisions and ensure they are aligned with what God wants for you and your team?
When it comes to decision-making, we want to know that we are doing the right thing. Sometimes we have to make an on-the-spot decision and then it’s like we’re confused and don’t know what to do.
1. I’d like to share something that has really helped and supported me during my leadership journey. And it’s prayer!
Now, you might say I already pray but I’m not seeing/getting a breakthrough when it comes to faith-based decision-making.
When I’m praying I am specifically asking God for Wisdom, knowledge, insight and discernment in that particular situation or meeting. I pray this before every meeting, before every coaching session and even just before my day starts.
2. In addition to praying, God gave us a conscience and when you have received the Holy Spirit, you also have an additional way to tell whether you are making the right decision or not.
How does this work?
Well, I remember when I was working at the children’s church, the children’s pastor explained it like this: “When we are making the right decision, we feel a sense of supreme peace within us, however, when we are making the wrong decisions, we feel a storm inside our bodies, an uncomfortableness that can’t be explained.
This is in essence the Holy Spirit trying to guide you.
If you are feeling that storm inside you, I would recommend that you take some time and pray about it. Ask God to show you what it is about the decision that is not right.
3. You can also ask the council of others, and others to pray with you as well about your decision. It is always good to gain perspective from others.
4. I also like to sleep on a decision, sometimes just giving it time, is the best way. Who knows, tomorrow morning you might feel different about it.
5. If it’s a decision that you have to make on the spot, then just trust yourself, trust the knowledge and skills that you have already gained and
Say a micro prayer in your head “God help me with this decision”. And then make the decision. But never go against your values, always stick to your values as a Christian.
What if you made the wrong decision?
Then reflect on how you felt when you made the decision, did you have peace or storm?
We are always going to make mistakes and that unfortunately is just part of being a human being. So if you made the wrong choice, then just dust yourself off, and try again, come back and try again.
But most importantly, don’t beat yourself up!
To recap up:
Listen to what the God/Holy Spirit is trying to say
Ask others for council
Sleep on it
With on-the-spot decision, trust your knowledge and Skills and say a micro prayer
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
018 | Course Launch! From Conflict To Collaboration - Enrol now!
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
It's a very exciting day as I launch my new online course From Conflict to Collaboration.
Over the last 4 episodes, I gave you exclusive access to module 2 of this course. You can now access the full course.
Enrol here
As part of this online course, you will have access to:
Communication Skills where I will introduce you to my BANG framework
Conflict Resolution Skills 101 where I will run you through tips and strategies for resolving conflict and getting your team to move from conflict to collaboration.
A section on Emotional Intelligence and why it is so important
I will also include the following resources:
A workbook
Communication Skills Worksheet
Conflict Resolution Skills Questionnaire
Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
BONUS: Mediation Tips
You will also gain access to my Exclusive Facebook Group, which is only for students of the Workplace Culture Hub (my business). This is different from the free Facebook Community.
You have 2 payment options available. Please head to https://academy.workplaceculturehub.com/conflict-resolution to find out more.
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Hi, beautiful women of faith!
In this podcast series, I am giving you exclusive access to module 2 of my upcoming online course "From Conflict to Collaboration". Enjoy.
Please see all episodes in this series:
Episode 14 - Part #1: 3 reasons why conflict occurs in the workplace
Episode 15 - Part #2: Can workplace conflict be healthy?
Episode 16 - Part #3: The Characteristics of unhealthy conflict
Episode 17 - Part #4: Not dealing with conflict? Here are the implications
The other modules in the online course include:
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution 101
Conflict Prevention and Management
Emotional Intelligence
Join our mailing list today and ensure you are the first to know when this online course releases!
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Hi, beautiful women of faith!
In this podcast series, I am giving you exclusive access to module 2 of my upcoming online course "From Conflict to Collaboration". Enjoy.
Please see all episodes in this series:
Episode 14 - Part #1: 3 reasons why conflict occurs in the workplace
Episode 15 - Part #2: Can workplace conflict be healthy?
Episode 16 - Part #3: The Characteristics of unhealthy conflict
Episode 17 - Part #4: Not dealing with conflict? Here are the implications
The other modules in the online course include:
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution 101
Conflict Prevention and Management
Emotional Intelligence
Join our mailing list today and ensure you are the first to know when this online course releases!
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
015 | Can workplace conflict be healthy? From Conflict to Collaboration #2
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Hi, beautiful women of faith!
In this podcast series, I am giving you exclusive access to module 2 of my upcoming online course "From Conflict to Collaboration". Enjoy.
Please see all episodes in this series:
Episode 14 - Part #1: 3 reasons why conflict occurs in the workplace
Episode 15 - Part #2: Can workplace conflict be healthy?
Episode 16 - Part #3: The Characteristics of unhealthy conflict
Episode 17 - Part #4: Not dealing with conflict? Here are the implications
The other modules in the online course include:
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution 101
Conflict Prevention and Management
Emotional Intelligence
Join our mailing list today and ensure you are the first to know when this online course releases!
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
From Conflict to Collaboration #1
I am going to be doing something a bit different over the next 4 episodes. I am giving you full access to the first module of my upcoming online course - From Conflict to Collaboration
In this first episode, a very short one, I discuss 3 reasons why conflict occurs in the workplace.
In the upcoming episodes, I’m teaching on
Episode 015 | Does Healthy Conflict Exist? From Conflict to Collaboration #2
Episode 016 | What does unhealthy conflict look like? From Conflict to Collaboration #3
Episode 017 | Not dealing with conflict? Here are the implications - From Conflict to Collaboration #4
The other modules in the course include:
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution 101
Conflict Prevention and Management
Emotional Intelligence
To learn more about this upcoming online course, and be the first to know the launch date, receive a special discount and other added bonuses, make sure you are either signed up to our mailing list or have joined the Facebook Community.
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Friday Sep 29, 2023
013 | 5 Stages Every Team Will Navigate - The Tuckman Model and Theory
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Download the show notes here
In this episode, I’ll be running you through Tuckman's 5 stages of team development. Let’s see if you can identify which your team is in…
Why is it that some teams in your organisation get along so well and constantly meet their goals but others don’t?
A couple of years ago, it all clicked when I learnt about Bruce Tuckman’s 5 stages of team development model.
His theory is that every team go through 5 stages. The 5 phases are:
Phase 1 - The Forming Phase
Phase 2 - The storming phase
Phase 3 - The norming phase
Phase 4 - The performing phase
Phase 5 - The adjourning phase
Listen as I discuss when each phase commences, the traits of teams in every phase and the leader's role in every phase.
***From Conflict To Collaboration - New Online Course!***
In one of my upcoming courses - from conflict to collaboration, I’ll be sharing my Fighting Fairly Framework where I’ll be teaching you how you can teach your team to fight fairly as well as how you can successfully navigate and mediate workplace conflict.
Be sure to either sign up to our mailing list or to the free Facebook community for the launch date and any special discount. You will only receive the discounts if you’re either signed up or in the Facebook Group.
The link is womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can sign up and join the group.
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
012 | 3 Ways to set effective boundaries with your team
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
**** Ranked Top 10% Globally ****
Today we are talking about boundaries...
Why are boundaries important? Well let’s get into it and I’ll answer that questions as I go through the 3 ways.
1. Social media
One of the issues is that you are not only seeing the person at work but also they pop up on your feed. The lines become super blurred because you see them at work and then you see them on your phone uploading super silly things and I decided I wanted to protect myself, as this became an ethical issue for me. I didn't want my perception of them to change just because of things they do in their personal time, but also, I wanted to grant them the necessary privacy they deserve.
2. Events out of work hours
Work events - yes. Personal go out and drink together and do silly things together - no.
When we do all these personal things together, we cross the boundaries when we try and be “friends” with them. You constantly have to move between mate and manager and someone is going to slip up and you will reap the negative consequences of that.
I believe there should be a clear boundary here to protect both you and your team.
3. Learning to say no
You need to protect your own physical and mental health as a leader. That includes saying no sometimes and not taking everything upon yourself. Delegate those tasks that you know another person can do much quicker than you or even enjoy it.
Sometimes we want to take things upon ourselves to lighten the load of our team, and now although that is beautiful and a wonderful thing to do, servant leaders often do this to the detriment of themselves, our families and our time.
Yes, there will be times when you will have to jump in and help and work twice as hard, or longer than usual, but so long as that is seasonal and doesn’t become a regular occurrence, you’ll be fine,
The art of saying “no” is really difficult for some, especially the people pleasers.
Learn instead of saying yes immediately, rather come up with a statement or a phrase, like “I’ll think about it and get back to you” or “I’ll evaluate my availability and get back to you” etc. But do not say yes unless you can say with 100% certainty that you can commit to it.
Poll: What topics would you as my listener like me to talk about in upcoming episodes?
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
Monday Sep 25, 2023
011 | 6 ways to foster a culture of accountability with your team
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
What does accountability look like in your workplace?
Even if you trust your team and trust them to work autonomously, there should be some form of check-in, provide feedback or update chat/meeting so that your team know, you care.
Accountability does not mean micro-managing your team, constantly checking up on them or even having them constantly keep you updated or give you feedback.
1. IntegrityIntegrity is the foundation of good leadership. Integrity is a cornerstone of effective leadership because it builds trust, respect and confidence among employees. YOU are committed to doing the right thing, even when it's not easy or popular.As leaders, we’re constantly under the microscope, whether that is a. Because our team looks up to us and want to follow our lead, they trust us and want to learn from us or b. There is a toxic workplace culture and you are being chastised by your team for every possible little mistake that you make, they love pointing it out every time you try and speak to them about their performance, they simply throw your performance back in your faceIntegrity is doing the right thing, even if somebody isn’t looking
2. Clear expectationsListen to a more details version of this discussion in episode 8 & 9 where I discussed setting clear expectations with your team.
The vision that I have about setting clear expectations is similar to the shark net and the flags that have been put in place to keep swimmers safe at the beach. Should they choose to go out of bounds, they will be in danger.
Does your team know the consequences if they decide to go out of bounds at work? What will the domino effect be for the organisation, the environment and even their job prospects?
3. Professional goalsDoes every person in your organisation have a goal that they are currently working towards achieving? A goal that has nothing to do with your projects, strategic plans, long-term goals etc.
But rather a goal that develops them, personally, and encourages them to be a better version of themselves and do their job role even better?
4. Relationship
To cultivate a culture of accountability, relationships and trust will be key. How do we build relationships with our team and start trusting them to do their jobs.
How do we move from micromanaging them to giving them autonomy and trusting them?
Build 1:1 relationships with each team member, if you have a very large team, and you don’t have the time to meet with each of them, just remember that they want to be seen and heard by you, they want to know that you know that they exist.
Find ways to connect with them, whether that be in department meetings, greeting them by their first name (which creates a sense of belonging because your first name is uniquely you, it is significant to you and if someone cares enough to know your name, it means something)
5. Follow-through
What does follow-through look like? How will you physically (as per a policy/procedure) keep your team accountable if they don’t come up the mass if they fail to produce?
There are practical steps you need to take for follow-through and if you are proactive in prepping for this, you are going to be reactive and act in the wrong way.
Know what that will look like, not only from a black-and-white legal document point of view but from a practical way. Visualise yourself talking to someone who is under-performing. Prepare what you will say if they get defensive, or overly emotional, or angry.
You must be prepared at all costs.
This counts for the positive as well. How will you follow through if they do hit their targets, achieve a goal etc. What will that celebration look like?
Your team will soon realise that they are in charge of their results, and no matter which way it goes, you will be there to follow through.
6. Support
Let your team know what support is available for them, but also, identify who in your team needs what type of specific support and reach out to each of your team members individually to ask if they need anything. In a group, they’ll just smile and wave, but they’re more likely to open up if you have them 1:1
Stay tuned for the next episode coming to you on Wednesday.
Next steps:
1. Navigate to https://www.womenoffaithinleadership.com where you can:
Join the community of like-minded female Christian leaders. This is where I will be hanging out if I'm not on the podcast chatting to you all. Come share and support each other here.
Subscribe to my newsletter so you can stay up to date with all upcoming episodes and any other exclusive or special offers.
2. If you need any support, you can get in contact with me for a 1:1 coaching call, simply email me at support@rikawhelan.com
3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan
Upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program
Sign up for my upcoming From Gossip to Growth Program, where I will be taking you through a step-by-step guide to get rid of workplace gossip… for good! Navigate HERE to sign up for more information.
I look forward to chatting with you in the next episode. Make sure you don't miss it!
Welcome to the show!
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Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikawhelan